Episode 014 – Pact Consumer Testing (PHP)

The is a first in a series of screencasts in which we look at API and Microservice testing framework called Pact.

In this video we start looking at using Pact PHP to test drive the implementation of a HTTP consumer.

You can find the code created during this video in this GitHub repository.

Episode 004 – Mock Test Doubles

In Episode 4 of Testing All The Things we continue to create the driving licence generator we started in the previous two videos. In this video we create a mock random number generator to create random digits to the end of the driving licence number.

You can find all the Test Double code in this GitHub repository or just the code created for the spy functionality in this commit

Episode 003 – Spy Test Doubles

In this episode 3 of Testing All The Things we continue to look at different types of Test Double.

In the second video on test doubles we look at Spy Test Doubles.

You can find all the Test Double code in this GitHub repository or just the code created for the spy functionality in this commit.