Episode 002 – Stub Test Doubles

In episode 2 of Testing All The Things we start to exploring Test Doubles. Test doubles are used to isolate the code under test from its dependencies. Test doubles imitate the functionality of a dependency.

Creating test doubles do not require the use of a mocking framework. In the following videos we will not use a mocking framework so we can concentrate of the theory.

In the first video we are looking at the simplest form of Test Double, Stubs.

Writing A Testable API Client Library

Recently at work I had to create a PHP client library for one of our REST microservices. The client library will be used by many of our projects. I wanted to implement the library using test driven development

I had some trouble finding any advice or examples of client libraries that had be implemented using Test Driven Development where the tests did not actually rely on making calls the service.

I wanted Guzzle to be a dependency of the client library. Doing this would allow me to pass in a mocked Guzzle instance to my PHPSpec tests .This would mean my unit tests would not rely on communicating with API to pass.

However I did not want users of the client library to have to worry about the Guzzle dependency.

After a discussion with some colleagues I decided the best approach was have the client object require Guzzle as a constructor dependency but provide a static factory method for client library users to use for construction without providing the Guzzle dependency.

class PokeClient
     * @var \GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface
    private $httpClient;

     * @var \Braddle\PokeApi\Factory\PokemonFactory
    private $pokemonFactory;

     * PokeClient constructor.
    public function __construct(
        ClientInterface $httpClient, 
        PokemonFactory $pokemonFactory
    ) {
        $this->httpClient = $httpClient;
        $this->pokemonFactory = $pokemonFactory;

     * @return Client
    public static function create()
        $httpClient = new Client(
            ['base_uri' => 'http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/']
        return new self($httpClient, new PokemonFactory());

Any users of the client library now have a very simple way to instantiate the client library.

In this example the base URI is hard coded as the is only one version of the service. If you have different environments to work with you can pass  URI or a constant for the environment in to the create() function.

Creating an instance of the PokeClient is now as simple at this

$pokeCLient = PokeClient::create();

This implementation allows me to mock Guzzle calls in my PHPSpec tests.

class PokeClientSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function let(Client $httpClient, PokemonFactory $pokemonFactory)
        $this->beConstructedWith($httpClient, $pokemonFactory);

    function it_is_initializable()

    function it_should_be_able_to_create_an_instance_of_itself()

    function it_should_return_a_pokemon_when_attmepting_to_find_one_by_id(
        Client $httpClient,
        PokemonFactory $pokemonFactory,
        Response $response,
        StreamInterface $stream,
        Pokemon $pokemon
    ) {
        $pokemonId = 975;
        $json = json_encode(
                'id'              => 34,
                'name'            => '',
                'base_experience' => 4,
                'height'          => 15,
                'is_default'      => false,
                'order'           => 1,
                'weight'          => 468,

        $httpClient->request('GET', 'pokemon/' . $pokemonId)

This method also allowed my to add addition Guzzle options for my Behat integration tests

Feature: Getting Pokemon

    Scenario: Ensure that is it possible to find a Pokemon by its ID
        Given The client has been instantiated
        When I try to find a Pokemon by ID 1
        Then I should have been returned a Pokemon
class FeatureContext implements Context, SnippetAcceptingContext
     * @var PokeClient
    private $client;
     * @var Pokemon
    private $pokemon;
     * Initializes context.
     * Every scenario gets its own context instance.
     * You can also pass arbitrary arguments to the
     * context constructor through behat.yml.
    public function __construct()
     * @Given The client has been instantiated
    public function theClientHasBeenInstantiated()
        $this->client = PokeClient::create();
     * @When I try to find a Pokemon by ID :id
    public function iTryToFindAPokemonById($id)
        $this->pokemon = $this->client->findPokemonById($id);
     * @Then I should have been returned a Pokemon
    public function iShouldHaveBeenReturnedAPokemon()
        if (!$this->pokemon instanceof Pokemon) {
            throw new \Exception('No Pokemon found');

See the full example client library for the Pokemon API in this GitHub repository.

Doctrine Entity Event

In my first post on Single Table Inheritance I had some example code that made use of a $tax variable to demonstrate where tax is added or removed. This simplification hides some complexity of the actual implementation.

In the actual implementation I needed to have access to a TaxCalculator object in all Price entities. The issue I had was how to ensure this happens without having to remember to manually inject the TaxCalculator everywhere Price entities are retrieved or persisted.

To do this I used a Doctrine feature called Entity Listeners. The Listener functionality allows you to access entities during a number of Doctrine operations.  Once configured you are able to hook into a number of different events before or after various CRUD events, they are:

  • preFlush
  • postLoad
  • PrePersist
  • PostPersist
  • PreUpdate
  • PostUpdate
  • PostRemove
  • PreRemove

The listening function is passed the entity that triggering the event and an instance of Doctrine\Common\EventArgs. In my example i do not use the EventArgs object. It can be used to give you another way to access the entity triggering the event or an instance of Doctrine/ORM/EntityManager.

The following Doctrine YAML configuration specifies the Entity Event Listener class (Braddle\EntityListener) for the Price entities.

  type: entity
  table: price
  inheritanceType: SINGLE_TABLE
    name: type
    type: string
    including_tax: PriceIncludingTax
    excluding_tax: PriceExcludingTax
      type: integer
        strategy: AUTO
      type: float

Here is the implementation of my Entity Event Listener (Braddle\EntityListener) this listener injects a TaxCalculator into price entities. I have only used the postLoad and postPersist functions so that i can ensure that new Prices have a TaxCalculator injected when they are saved and all existing Prices when they are retrieved from the database.

namespace Braddle;

use Braddle\Entity\Price;

class EntityListener

     * Fired before an object is about to be saved by doctrine
     * @param PricingConfigAware $object The model to inject the price config into
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
     * @return void
    public function prePersist(Price $object)

     * Fired before an object is about to be saved by doctrine
     * @param PricingConfigAware $object The model to inject the price config into
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
     * @return void
    public function postLoad(Price $object)

     * @return \Braddle\TaxCalculator
    private function getTaxCalculator()
        return new TaxCalculator(20);

You can find the full example application using the Doctrine Entity Event in this GitHub Repository.

Class Table Inheritance

The Class Table Inheritance feature of Doctrine allows you to have a number of different entities similar to Single Table Inheritance. The difference with Class Table Inheritance is it allows you to split the data specific to an entity in to a separate table. This allows each entity to have extra data specific to its needs, without having a table with a large number of null-able columns.

When creating a new entity you simply instantiate the class for the specific type required. When you persist the entity Doctrine creates an entry in the base table with the discriminator of your chosen class, Doctrine will also create an entry in the class specific table with a foreign key linking back to the base table.

When retrieving a specific entity from the database Doctrine uses the discriminator to decide which class to construct the data with. Doctrine also loads any class specific data from the class specific table.

If I were implement an Order Item system using Class Table Inheritance, I would create an abstract class and base table that could handle all of the generic Order Item functionality and data. Creating a concrete implementations for each specific Order Items requirements.

In the example configuration I have only created two concrete implementations one for products and one for vouchers.

# Model.Order.OrderItem.yml
  type: entity
  inheritanceType: JOINED
    name: type
    type: string
    product_order_item: ProductOrderItem
    voucher_order_item: VoucherOrderItem
  table: order_item
      type: integer
        strategy: TODO
        type: datetime
      targetEntity: Model\Order\Order
      inversedBy:   orderItems
        name:                 order_id
        referencedColumnName: id
# Model.Order.ProductOrderItem.yml
  type: entity
      type:     string
      nullable: false
      type:     integer
      nullable: false
# Model.Order.VoucherOrderItem.yml
  type: entity
      type:     string
      nullable: false
      type:     float
      nullable: false

With the above configuration I would then create the classes below.

An abstract OrderItem that handles the link between OrderItems and their Orders and also maintains the time that an OrderItem was created.

class OrderItem

     * @var integer
    private $id;

     * @var Order
    private $order;

     * @var \DateTime
    private $createdAt;

    public function __construct(Order $order)
        $this->order     = $order;
        $this->createdAt = new \DateTime();

The concrete ProductOrderItem extends the OrderItem with functionality specific to Products within an Order. Storing and validating the products Sku and required quantity.

class ProductOrderItem extends OrderItem

     * @var string
    private $sku;

     * @var integer
    private $quantity;

    public function setSku($sku) { ... }
    public function getSku() { ... }

    public function setQuantity($quantity) { ... }
    public function getQunatity() { ... }

The concrete VoucherOrderItem extends the OrderItem with functionality specific to Vouchers within an Order. storing and validating the voucher code and discount amount.

class VoucherOrderItem extends OrderItem

     * @var string
    private $voucherCode;

     * @var float
    private $discountAmount

    public function setVoucherCode($voucherCode) { ... }
    public function getVOcuherCode() { ... }

    public function setDiscountAmount($discountAmount) { ... }
    public function getDiscountAmount() { ... }

This implementation of the OrderItems maintains a clean database without any unecessary null-able columns. The implementation also conforms to the Single Responsibility Principle as a concrete OrderItem class only needs to be edited if the requirements of that specific type of OrderItem change. If I needed to create a new OrderItem for employee discount, I would create and configure a new EmployeeDiscountOrderItem entity in Doctrine without having to touch any existing OrderItem classes.

Single Table Inheritance

The Doctrine single table inheritance feature maps a number of different entity classes to a single table in your database.

When creating an entity you simple construct the desired class. When you persist the new entity to your data store, Doctrine stores the discriminator (class type identifier) with the rest of the entity’s data.

When retrieving a specific entity from the database Doctrine uses a discriminator to decide which class to construct with the data.

I have recently used the single table inheritance feature to refactor a Price class that used to use a boolean field to determine if the price contained within the entity was inclusive or exclusive of tax.

The previous code that made use of the Price entity looked something like this

$price = $priceRepository->findById(1);

$priceWithTax = null;

if ($price->isTaxIncluded()) {
    $priceWithTax = $price->getPrice();
} else {
    $priceWithTax = $price->getPrice() + $tax;

This code is difficult to init test this calling code given the number of routes through it.

However if we use single table inheritance we can refactor out the conditionals for Polymorphism.

Before I started to refactor the functionality the entity’s configuration YAML looked something like this

  type: entity
  table: price
      type: integer
        strategy: AUTO
      type: float
      type: boolean

I then changed the YAML set up to something similar to this

# Model.Price.Price.yml
  type: entity
  table: price
  inheritanceType: SINGLE_TABLE
    name: type
    type: integer
    including_tax: IncludingTax
    excluding_tax: ExcludingTax
      type: integer
        strategy: AUTO
      type: float

# Model.Price.IncludingTax.yml
  type: entity

# Model.Price.ExcludingTax.yml
  type: entity

The new configuration gives us the following classes.

class price
     * @var float
    private $price;

     * @return float
    abstract public function getPrice();
class ExcludingTax extends Price
     * @return float
    public function getPrice()
        return $this->price + $tax;
class IncludingTax extends Price
     * @return float
    public function getPrice()
         return $this->price;

After the refactoring the entity to use single table inheritance to create a PriceIncludingTax and PriceExcludingTax class the code makes use of the price entities now looks something like this

$price = $priceRepository->findById(1);

$priceWithTax =  $price->getPrice();

The code in the second example is much easier to read and has no knowledge of the fact that a price entity return from the price repository could be inclusive or exclusive of tax. The calling code is also a lot easier to unit test as there is now only a single route through it.

Inheritance in Doctrine

I was discussing a feature of Doctrine that allows you to map object inheritance in entities. I have used this feature a number of times for a few different scenarios. I was very surprised that none of the other developers had used the feature before and a few had not even heard of it.

I thought it would be useful to discuss how I have used this feature to implement a clean design recently.

The feature has three different modes of working Single Table Inheritance, Class Table Inheritance and Mapped Superclass (which i have not used yet).